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to The History of the

English Language.

WELCOME! This website will introduce you into the history of the English language and how it has evolved over time to what we know it as today. 


​When you have completed looking through this website, to the right where it says 'test your knowledge by completing this quiz', is a worksheet that I encourage you to complete to see how much you now know! :) 

To get the answers to the worksheet click here.


Language is an essential part of human behaviour that helps us to communicate. We can communicate with written language, spoken language and sign language to express different things. The main functions of human language include a means of conveying information, an instrument of action, maintaining social relationships, a marker of groups and an instrument of cognitive and conceptual development. As said by Walt Whitman "language is not an abstract construction of the learned, or of dictionary-makers, but is something arising out of the work, needs, ties, joy, affections, tastes, of long generations of humanity, and has its bases broad and low close to the ground." 


If you work your way through this website you will learn about the different subsystems and how they have came to be, the different eras of the english language, people important to the formation and change of the language, and some additional information to further expand your knowledge on this topic.  



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